We are specialists in modifications and improvements for electric vehicles. In this section you will find all kinds of extras and improvements for your electric vehicle. If you are looking for something that you have not found on the web, contact us: whatsapp +34 696403761
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Accessories, extras and improvements for your electric vehicle
Accessories, extras and improvements for electric scooters, electric bicycles, electric motorcycles and more...

Here you will find useful options to transport your electric scooter or take with you things you need when you are not at home.
Have you ever needed to carry your electric scooter in a bag or carry it comfortably? Here are the options:
- Bag to take your vehicle with you on a train trip or be able to introduce your vehicle to public buildings where it is not allowed.
- Bag to be able to carry with you the charger of your electric scooter or other useful elements that you need that day while you are away from home.
- Transport tape that you could hook to the skate to be able to carry it as a briefcase or backpack.
- Install a flexible zae on the scooter to hold it like a bag.
- You might also need specific bags for modified electric scooters with suspensions that are too long.
Find the ideal carrying bag for your electric scooter or bag to carry things with you.
Decoration and...
If you are looking to customize your electric scooter with the look you are looking for, in this section you will find various extras that will give your electric scooter a unique style.
Decoration and extras for your electric scooter.
Customize your skate to your liking with the decorative extras that we have for you.
If you are looking for gaskets, accessories and extras that help increase the waterproofing of your electric scooter, you will find it here. Guarantee that no water enters your electric scooter by maintaining the original installation or adding the extras that you consider appropriate.
Maintenance and waterproofing for your electric scooter.
Accessories, extras and gaskets to ensure the waterproofing of your electric scooter.
To update
In this section you will find the kits and improvements to update the braking system, damping, handlebar, motor, etc. of your electric scooter.
In this section you will find the security elements that guarantee your physical integrity, elements that ensure that you are seen by other vehicles, improvements to avoid unexpected breakage of scooter components or locks so that your vehicle is not stolen.
Here you will find different models of seats for your vehicle.
Electric scooter seats are additional accessories that can be added to certain scooter models to provide a more comfortable and relaxed riding option. These seats are designed to facilitate travel over longer distances and for those users who prefer a more bicycle-like riding position.
It is important to note that not all electric scooters are designed to fit a seat, so it is essential to check compatibility before purchasing one. Additionally, adding a seat can affect the portability and ease of folding of the scooter, so it is something to consider depending on your transportation needs.
In short, electric scooter seats offer a more comfortable and relaxed riding option for those looking for an alternative to the traditional standing position while riding their scooter.
If the seat model you are looking for for your vehicle does not appear on the list, contact us to indicate the purchase link on our website. whatsapp +34 696403761